Dr. Tim Clinton and Max Davis to Release New Book on May 5 Take It Back: Reclaiming Biblical Manhood for the Sake of Marriage, Family, and Culture


Are Christian men today comfortable with their wives, children and those in their circles of influence following them?

This is a central question in the forthcoming book, Take It Back: Reclaiming Biblical Manhood for the Sake of Marriage, Family, and Culture, by Dr. Tim Clinton and Max Davis, who ask: Are Christian men living the reality of Jesus’ presence inside them so they will be transformed into His image?

If the answer is “No,” the authors say men should turn inward and learn how they can reclaim their biblical manhood.

As the country observes National Marriage Week Feb. 7-14, Clinton writes in Take It Back that God’s call to men today was also Paul’s desire, when he said in Galatians 4:19, “My little children, of whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.”

“The call is going out not just for any men to rise up and take it back, but to godly, Christ-like men,” Clinton said. “Godly husbands, fathers, grandfathers, friends, boyfriends who will step up to the plate. Single guys who will stand for purity and trust God for the godly woman He has for them. Young men who will say no to porn and fornication even if it means ridicule. Husbands who will love their wives like Christ loved His church. When godly men who know Jesus is real and alive rise up, God comes back, families come into alignment and a culture is changed.”

Clinton adds that when a man imitates Jesus, he compliments and supports women. He makes her better. Ephesians 5:25 exhorts husbands to “love [their] wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it.”

“How did Christ love the church?” Clinton asks. “Well, for one, He died for it. He obeyed God and suffered. Sometimes love suffers. Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. Sometimes men need to wash their wife’s feet. Jesus elevated women in a society that didn’t highly regard women. For example, a Jewish man could mistreat and divorce their wives for the pettiest of reasons. Yet Jesus showed respect and honor for women, particularly His mother. His first miracle at Canaan turning water into wine was at the pleading of His mother. Although Jesus said His time was not yet come, He did the thing she asked because it was important to her.

SOURCE: Charisma News

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