Jerry Wiles on Sharing Life Together: Being Salt and Light in a Dark World


When I joined the Air Force right out of high school, I immediately began to learn more about sharing life together.  As new recruits we received uniforms that looked alike, and we did everything together.  We learned to march together, we eat together and we slept together in the same barracks (living quarters). Life in the military is very different than civilian life.  Civilian life is more individualistic and sometimes more isolationistic.  Those concepts are often prevalent in the church world as well, especially in the Global North.

Power of Corporate Witness 

The better we understand the nature of the Body of Christ, the more effective we can become as witnesses to the outside world.  When we consider our mandate as followers of Jesus, as disciple makers, it’s important to realize that God never intended for us to operate in isolation.  We are actually to function as teams or communities of Jesus-followers.  Our influence and impact on the world around us, as salt and light. will be determined to a great extent by our living and sharing life together with other members of the Body of Christ.

Value of Listening and Filling the Gaps

So often over the years when I’ve had conversations with people about the Lord, I discover that someone else has already had some spiritual influence on them.  They have had some kind of exposure to the Gospel.  Many people, especially in the Western World or North America, have some awareness of church, the Christian faith or religious traditions.  However, what is often missing is a biblical understanding of what is involved in having a relevant relationship with the Living Christ.  Sometimes, all it takes is asking a few questions, listening and filling in the gaps.  Everyone does not necessarily need to hear the same presentation and the Holy Spirit is faithful to enable us to discern how much and what we need to share.

Sowing, Watering and Reaping

On occasions, especially traveling internationally, I have encountered those who have never heard the name of Jesus or seen a Bible.  In those cases there’s an opportunity to sow a seed or testify of the character, goodness and grace of God.  It is reassuring when we know that we can be a link in a chain of influence, and a witness in bringing others to the Lord.  Some sow, some water and others reap the harvest, but it is God who gives the increase, as we read in Scripture.

SOURCE: Assist News

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