Dan Britton on Tough Times Don’t Last, But Tough People Do


When I first met Peter through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, I realized there was something special about him. He had a fire in his eyes that burned brighter than others. When he spoke, you could hear commitment and conviction in his voice. His vision had clarity and urgency that stirred passion in the hearts of others. As he spoke about his desire to reach coaches and athletes in his country, I realized his zeal was forged from the trials, tragedies, and tests that he faced over many years.

Peter was imprisoned seven times in his country as a result of sharing his faith. Because he endured beatings and interrogation as a result of doing ministry, his fire burns bright! He has sacrificed greatly for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He still keeps serving — and smiling! He’s on a mission to reach the coaches and athletes in his country.

As one of our key leaders in Southeast Asia, he has taught me what it means to be all in to fulfill the calling that God has put on our hearts. I am humbled and honored when I am with Peter, because he is a modern-day Apostle Paul that radiates Jesus Christ! He motivates me to be a stronger and more courageous spiritual leader.

When I think about what our world is facing today, I think of Peter. And I think of Joshua 1:9: “For this is my command — be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go.”

Peter is a walking, talking, living example of someone who has taken Joshua 1:9 and burned it on his heart. He is all tough and no fluff. I have learned these three principles from Peter:

SOURCE: Christian Post, Dan Britton

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