'God Above All': Brazil's President Calls for National Day of Prayer and Fasting to Fight Coronavirus


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is calling for a national day of prayer and fasting this Sunday to “free Brazil from this evil” coronavirus pandemic.

Following criticism over his management of the increasing number of coronavirus-related deaths, Bolsonaro met with Pentecostal evangelical pastors, Reuters reports.

“With the pastors and religious leaders we will call for a day of fasting by Brazilians so that Brazil can free itself from this evil as soon as possible,” he said to the radio station, Jovem Pan.

CBN News previously reported that Bolsonaro confirmed his faith in Jesus while attending the Christian worship and missions event called “The Send” back in February.

As of Friday, Brazil’s COVID-19 cases rose to 9,056, while deaths from the virus increased from 299 to 359. 

Last month, Bolsonaro’s communications director tested positive for the virus, just days after traveling with Bolsonaro to a meeting with President Trump in Florida.

Brazilian Congressman Marco Feliciano, who is also an evangelical pastor, said, “Brazil is in a serious crisis. The forces of evil are rising against a God-fearing Christian president and family defender. Sunday will be a day of fasting.”

One pastor tweeted support, saying, “President Bolsonaro called the Brazilians to a national fast and prayer of repentance on April 5th.”

President Bolsonaro called the Brazilians to a national fast and prayer of repentance on April 5th#COVID19 #Brazil #nationalfasting pic.twitter.com/xcrIvbeFMg

— Daniel Lucena (@DanielL17703012) April 3, 2020

Assemblies of God Pastor Silas Malafaia suggested that the national day of prayer begins at midnight on Saturday and lasts until midday Sunday.

Bolsonaro’s motto is: “Brazil above everything, God above all.” He believes it is a powerful statement about the importance of the higher truth beyond politics.

Eu creio!!
I believe!
God Save Brazil and the world.

— Luciane Valeria#Aco(@lucianevaleria) April 3, 2020

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