Michael Brown on Why I Am Paying No Attention to the COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories


Hardly an hour goes by without someone sending me the latest “must-see” video or article. This is the one, I am told, that explains it all. This is the one that connects the dots. This is the one that reveals the truth. With all respect to those sending me these links, I’m going to pass for now.

It’s not that none of them could be true. Or that there is not some truth in many of them.

It’s simply that: 1) There are far too many theories to investigate in any depth; 2) in many cases, from our vantage point, it’s impossible to investigate the claims and 3) for the most part, our lives go on just the same whether or not the claims are true.

It’s not to say there is no Deep State. Or that I believe everything the World Health Organization puts forward. Or that I trust China. Or the secular media. Or that I do (or don’t) trust Dr. Fauci. Or President Trump.

It is simply to say that I do not have years of extra free time to evaluate every opposing claim.

It is also to say that some of the claims are far too wacky even to consider.

For example, in response to my video “How Should Believers Pray During a Global Pandemic?” Daniel G. wrote this: “Good news. The entire virus-game is a hoax. Yes. Really. It’s a game of make believe being played by children who’ve given their souls to satan. So go outside. Hug people. Don’t wear the mask or take the vaccine. Each are the Mark of the beast. Satan will know his followers by those wearing the mask because they are satan’s deceived.”

There you have it. If you wear the mask, you’ve taken the mark of the beast (from the Book of Revelation). You are now known to the Antichrist. You have been deceived by Satan himself. As for the virus itself, it’s a hoax. Just make believe!

To call this pathetic is to be kind. Especially as church buildings in Italy have been used to store all the coffins. Especially as the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel and New York is mourning its newly dead. Especially as we’re hearing more reports about health workers and grocery store workers dying. Especially as this is touching our families and our friends.

SOURCE: Charisma News

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