Wallace Henley on Coronavirus and Overcoming ‘Vain Imaginings’


The COVID-19 virus is emanating from 5G towers, and people who believe that are trying to burn them down.

A train engineer concludes that the U.S. Navy Hospital Ship Mercy was not “what they say it’s for,” but perhaps a tool of the powers out to destroy civilization through the galloping virus. He aims his locomotive at the docking ship to expose the conspiracy.

Those episodes over the last two weeks — and many more — show that fear is a terrible quarantine companion, and fear of the unknown is the worst kind of fear.

One may not come down with the virus, yet the longer he or she is quarantined the greater the possibility of being sickened with xenophobia — the fear of the alien, the strange, the unknown.

We all live inside a narrative crafted to define, understand, and make sense of our experience. Within our minds and the storylines that nest there, fantasies, wrong conclusions, ill-conceived actions and bizarre behaviors can take shape.

Worst, what the Bible calls our “vain imaginings” and “futile thinking” offer immense ground for the demonic to erect “strongholds” from which they can launch attacks on our faith and sanity.

Second Corinthians 10:3-6 says,

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ…

Donald Trump lives inside a narrative too — “The Power of Positive Thinking.” Trump’s spiritual nurturing was at the feet of Norman Vincent Peale, the most famous proponent of the positive thinking idea. Vain imaginings can too easily be nurtured inside that narrative-house. This may have influenced Trump’s early views that the virus would not become as serious as it is.

Fear of the unknown is the greatest danger for us quarantined folk. In the absence of clear answers, we are driven to hack together our own narratives about what is happening, how it happened, and what’s going to happen.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Wallace Henley

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