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HomeChurch and MinistryTranslation for Keys for Kids Discipleship Program Underway in Nepal

Translation for Keys for Kids Discipleship Program Underway in Nepal

Nepal may be a former Hindu kingdom, but its people are hungry for the Gospel.  In February, a new partnership began between Keys for Kids Ministries and Good News Nepal.  Today, they’re making headway on a kids’ discipleship project.

Keys for Kids’ Executive Director, Greg Yoder, says their partner in Nepal is focused on the finish line. “He has already [translated] the first quarter of Keys for Kids and they are right now being checked by some Nepali believers for accuracy and context and making sure they’re theologically correct,” Yoder says.

“He has a priority to create these translations so that his kids can understand the Gospel better.”

Keys for Kids’ translation partner hungers for biblical teachings because he grew up without Christ. The Name of Jesus is new to his entire community, Yoder explains. “It is an unreached people group and they’re very excited about having materials to reach young people for Jesus Christ,” he says.

How many of Nepal’s people groups are “unreached”?  The answer to this question varies by source. According to Joshua Project, all but 10 of Nepal’s 285 people groups are unreached, while IMB puts the number of unreached people groups at 153. Whatever the exact number, it’s safe to say Christ is a stranger to most of Nepal’s varied people groups.

Keys for Kids and Good News Nepal hope to change this reality for the next generation.

Translating Keys for Kids content from English to Nepali is the first of a multi-step process, Yoder says. After Nepali believers finish checking the translation work, it will go back to Keys for Kids’ partner for edits and rewrites. Then, he’ll send a corrected draft for final review and approval.

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Katey Hearth

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